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Of this poem, the poet writes: "I believe I wrote this poem in my late teens, along with its companion poem "Tomb Lake." I think the questions are interesting. Do all lovers love first in the dark? Is love an oration, or is it a word?"
Michael R Burch (b.1958) is an American poet based in Nashville. He calls himself "one of the world's most-published complete unknowns." His poems, translations, essays, articles, reviews, short stories, epigrams, quotes, puns, jokes and letters have appeared more than 6,000 times in publications. Burch is also the founder and editor-in-chief of The HyperTexts, a former columnist for the Nashville City Paper and, according to Google's rankings, a relevant online publisher of poems about the Holocaust, Hiroshima, the Trail of Tears, Darfur, Haiti, Gaza and the Palestinian Nakba.
Commissioned note
written for Choralation (Westlake Girls and Westlake Boys High Schools, Auckland), and conductor Rowan Johnston