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Thirty-three Māori melodies for children
Contents note
- Pipiwharauroa (shining cuckoo)
- Te purerehua (butterfly)
- Anure (kumara caterpillar)
- Tihore (rain chant)
- Waiata ki te ra (song to the sun)
- Titiwai (gloworm)
- Kapokapowai (dragonfly)
- Te Pihareina (cricket)
- Te Kopere (rainbow)
- Te Putorino a Ruakatairi (the bag moth)
- Weri (centipede)
- Pepetuna (ghost moth)
- Pungawerewere (spider)
- Round: Poaka Kunekune (pig), Rakiraki (duck), Hipi (sheep) Heihei (hen)
- Lullaby: E tipu e rea (Grow tender shoots)
- Te Rere a te ngaro (The flight of the fly)
- Kowenewene (hawk moth)
- Te Kowhitiwhiti (grasshopper)
- E Ko, E Ko (Morning chorus)
- Kaikomako
- Miro
- Rata
- Rakau Rangitira (chiefly trees)
- Kahikatea
- Putake (roots)
- Mo Wai Te Hua? (For whom the wind?)
- Nga Hau Kia Mau (Retain the fruits)
- Karikari Kirikiri (Digging in the sand)
- Ripirere ripirere (Skipping chant)
- Nga Tikanga (The culture)
- Uira (Lightening)
- Whiti te marama (The moon shine)
- Kiwi
- Tena koe, Tena korua, Tena koutou (Greeting song)