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SOUNZwrite Education Guides
Ngā rauemi whakaako puoro a SOUNZ

SOUNZwrite guides are resources produced by SOUNZ, written especially for NZ schools. Publications in the series are:

NCEA SOUNZwrite Guides - for Years 11-13 students
Ears Wide Open – Taringa Areare - for primary to junior high school students

NCEA SOUNZwrite guides

I hope I never - Tim Finn arr. Eddie Rayner
Pounamu - Helen Fisher 
Childhood - Jenny McLeod
Rakiura - David Hamilton
Waiting for the Aeroplane - John Psathas
Lullaby for Matthew - Gillian Whitehead
Three Sea Changes - Douglas Lilburn
Overture: Aotearoa - Douglas Lilburn
The Hanging Bulb - Anthony Ritchie

Originally, for Years 11-13, nine SOUNZwrite guides were produced each featuring in detail one work by a New Zealand composer. The guides were written between 1997 and 2001 by Cheryl Camm and are being widely used by teachers in more than half of New Zealand's high schools.

In 2005, with funding from a number of branches of NZSME (now MENZA), the Lion Foundation and Unison Trust , SOUNZ was able to undertake a substantial revision of these popular education guides for Years 11-13. This revision has meant adapting them for learning to enable flexibility and ease of assessment within the NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) framework.

Appropriate assessment activities and schedules and updated resources have been integrated with the existing background material on the composer, composition and analysis material and imaginative ideas for classroom activities. In addition, a re-ordering of the material to fit more closely with the new curriculum will ensure that these valuable guides will continue to be important resources in schools.

Education specialist Karen Carter, who completed the revision work for SOUNZ, says:" The now complete revised series of the Level 1-3 SOUNZwrite guides are an essential resource for all music departments. Featuring music by New Zealand composers, there are nine works for study, three at each level. Specifically tailored to NCEA requirements they are designed for music classes from Year 10 to Scholarship.

The process of revising the guides meant keeping the best of the original content while reshaping it according to the expectations of the achievements standards, creating summative assessment activities and schedules, and updating the supplementary reference materials. The final product is a comprehensive package which will delight all secondary music teachers."

Ears Wide Open – Taringa Areare

- Rhythm and performance with Gareth Farr's Ruaumoko
- How to play a guitar with Split Enz
- Musical texture with Clouds Over Pirongia by John Rimmer
- How music makes you feel with Melancholia by Anthony Ritchie
- The music of Tokelau through the Te Vaka Jigsaw
- Score reading with Other Echoes by Eve de Castro- Robinson
- How your body responds to music with Judy Bailey's Now I'm Walkin'
- Taonga puoro with Tumatakokiri by Hirini Melbourne and Richard Nunns

Ears Wide Open Taringa Areare has many activities which link to other Arts disciplines: Drama, Dance and Visual Arts, as well as Science, Social Studies and English. Each activity has suggested learning outcomes and assessment ideas.

The resource consists of a teacher guide, student activity book, music score book for performance and study, and a 23 track CD of NZ music. It is designed to be fun, interactive, informative and creative and is suitable for primary to junior high school students (corresponding with Levels 1-4 of the Achievement Objectives in The Arts in New Zealand Curriculum, Ministry of Education, 2000).