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Our partners
Ō mātou hoamahi

Together our music is stronger

SOUNZ partners with a large number of well-known organisations in the arts and music sector to create and provide opportunities for New Zealand music to be performed and shared. Following are some of our key partners:

  • Radio New Zealand
  • New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
  • Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
  • Ministry for Pacific Peoples
  • Royal New Zealand Ballet
  • APRA Amcos
  • Chamber Music New Zealand
  • Voices New Zealand Chamber Choir
  • Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra
  • The New Zealand String Quartet
  • NZ Choral Federation
  • Orchestra Wellington
  • Toi Māori Aotearoa
  • New Zealand Music Commission
  • Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
  • Dunedin Symphony Orchestra
  • Auckland Chamber Orchestra
  • Opus Orchestra
  • Arohanui Strings - Sistema Hutt Valley
  • Te Puni Kōkiri
  • Stroma
  • NZTrio
  • Toi Aotearoa 

And many more..

International Partnerships

SOUNZ is proud to be a member of the IAMIC, an international network of 35 member countries that represent and promote the music of their country or regions in a diversity of musical genres.

Special thanks

SOUNZ would like to thank all the New Zealand composers, performers, artists, arts organisations, and venues that make our work possible by allowing access to their works and performances.

If not by SOUNZ, the continuously changing images on this website have been provided for use with the kind permission of generous individuals and organisations including: Adam Chamber Music Festival, Aroha String Quartet, Brass Band Association of NZ, Composers Association of New Zealand, Choral Federation, Chamber Music New Zealand, Dunedin Symphony Orchestra, Gisborne International Music Competition, Horomona Horo, National Youth Jazz Competition, NZTrio, Orchestra Wellington, Rob Thorne, Screen Composers Guild of New Zealand, Stroma, The Big Sing, The Troubles, Wallace Piano Competition, Wellington Brass Band, Wellington Jazz Festival, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, St Matthew's Orchestra, National Library, Westlake Symphony Orchestra, Gareth Watkins and the many other composers, performers, and related organisations and presenters, whose profiles and works are available for browsing on our website.