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Let's Be Friends
Whakapiri mai ki ngā hoa o SOUNZ

If you share our passion for the music and want to play a role in supporting the work SOUNZ does then please sign up to become a Friend of SOUNZ now.

The stronger our friendship the more we can achieve.

Join us in becoming a friend for an annual subscription of $60
(just over $1 per week and this contribution would make a real difference to our work)

Click here to pay online or pay directly to our account:
Centre for New Zealand Music Trust 38-9010-0874327-00
Please use as a reference your: First name and surname, ‘Friend’.
(This is our preferred method of payment).

Please encourage your friends to become our friends to further support and increase our work. 

SOUNZ Friends receive:
  • 10% off on all purchases of SOUNZ products – visit our SHOP.
  • Ticket discounts for events that include concerts presented by some of our partners. Details about each offer will be emailed to you once events are confirmed.
  • Invitations to exclusive Friends events such as pre-concert talks, social events and opportunities to meet with some of our wonderful composers and performers.
  • Annual membership renewal e-newsletter highlighting some of our key initiatives for the past year.
  • Occasional draws for SOUNZ-themed prizes.
Other Ways You Can Support Us

If you have any questions about our Friends Programme, how your support assists SOUNZ
or ways we can work with you, please contact:

Hannah Darroch
Chief Executive l Tumu Whakarae
Phone 04 801 8602

Thank you

Want to make a donation? 
Click here for more information about: Personal giving

Centre for New Zealand Music Trust trading as SOUNZ is a Registered Charitable Trust: CC22488