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Creatures - SOUNZ virtual concert

SOUNZ Virtual Concert

Lyell Cresswell’s absurdist Das Lied von dem Fisch is a setting of short poems about fishy topics, including one about a constipated goldfish! 

Janet Jennings sets three poems by D.H. Lawrence in A Bird, a Fruit and a Beast, while Gareth Farr’s Ornithological Anecdotes is a song cycle about New Zealand Native Birds with four specially written texts by Bill Manhire.

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Symphonic - SOUNZ virtual concert

SOUNZ Virtual Concert

Jenny McLeod’s vibrant and youthful Little Symphony, written while the composer was still a student, is a response to Stravinsky’s Symphony in C. It is paired with Douglas Lilburn’s Symphony no. 2 probably New Zealand’s most well known and loved example of symphonic writing.

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Enactment - SOUNZ virtual concert

SOUNZ Virtual Concert

My selection stretches the notion of performance. Each work enacts a sonic or narrative concept, with a sense of heightened ritual, an economy of means, a containment of riches. 

The works vary in impact, from the visceral imitations of Celeste Oram’s funky Xerox Rock, and David Downes’ compellingly mysterious Generation, to the cool surgical precision of John Coulter’s Mouth Piece, and Miriama Young’s ethereal Inner. Repetition, in various forms, is a significant presence.

Guest curator: Eve de Castro-Robinson

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SOUNZ Virtual Concert

This programme opens with John Rimmer’s short and fiery ‘Vulcan’ inspired by Auckland’s volcanic landscape. 

Commissioned by the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra for the reopening of the Christchurch Town Hall, Chris Cree Brown’s dramatic ‘Phoenix’ follows. 

We end with Lyell Cresswell’s ‘Of Smoke and Bickering Flame’, a virtuosic, intense depiction of conflict between heaven and hell.

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Land - SOUNZ virtual concert

SOUNZ Virtual Concert

In Turanga-nui Gillian Whitehead considers the landfall of Cook in 1769, and of Māori centuries earlier, the feeling of finally standing on dry land after a long journey, and the danger of the inevitable collision of the two cultures. Ben Hoadley’s Turakirae was inspired by the rugged, open landscape of the Turakirae promontory, where the Rimutaka ranges begin. We finish the programme with Chris Adams’s Otira Gorge, an elemental depiction of the eponymous gorge in Arthur’s Pass, as pained by Petrus Van Der Velden.

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Depths - SOUNZ virtual concert

SOUNZ Virtual Concert

In this programme, we journey to the depths of the sea. 

The first two works, Puhake ki te Rangi (Spouting to the Skies) by Gillian Whitehead, and Tohorah by Tristan Carter, are celebrations of whales and their song. 

The final work, Ross Harris’s The Abiding Tides, is a dramatic and sombre setting of poems by Vincent O’Sullivan about ships sinking at sea.


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SOUNZ Virtual Concert

Natalie Hunt’s evocative Only to the Highest Mountain introduces this programme, followed by Gao Ping’s The Mountain which is inspired by the culture and folk stories of Sichuan, the composer’s birthplace. We finish with Gareth Farr’s Roar of a Thousand Tigers, a celebration of 100 years since the birth of SIr Edmund Hillary. The title is Sherpa Tenzing Norgay’s description of the icy winds that buffet the uppermost slopes of Mount Everest.

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